Last Information to the Orion-"House of Striptease"-CD-ROM Version 1.00 / 11/28/1998 1.) Installation: Please build a programfolder by starting the Setup-Program "INSTALL.EXE". The software requires the existence of Apple QuickTime 3.0 for Windows and DirectX. If the specific device drivers are not yet installed in your Windows-Environment, please use the Setup-Program to do so. If there are any older QuickTime drivers running, the software might under certain circumstances launch, too. If you encounter any trouble within the display of the videosequences, then you should use the delivered version 3.0 of Apple QuickTime for Windows. If you are running any newer QuickTime-Devices (e.g. v2.5e), the software should not work properly. Anyway, if you recognize any troubleshooting we recommend to use the delivered version. This version was used for betatesting the software. 2.) Possible troubleshooting running the software: [symptoms: Problems with Graphikadapters / Paletteshiftings / Systemcrashs ] Under Windows NT your colour depth must be 16 Bit. To get an amount of at least five megabytes of free space into your RAM, please ensure first, that all programs, which are not currently in use are closed. Control your graphic-device-drivers and the QuickTime-Drivers asto correct installation, to avoid possible errorsources Even some kind of screensavers can interfere with the software when they are activated in a critical moment. This may crash the software or could cause paletteshiftings. (False Colors are displayed). If this problem occurs, please turn off any screensaver before running this CD-ROM [Symptom: Videoerrors] The display of video requires a maximum of free space to run properly. Close all running programs to maximize your resources. The lower the transfer-rate of your CD-ROM-Drive, the more often any kind of "jumps" in the display of the video occur. We hope to have explained all possible troubleshootings and wish you a lot of fun with your Orion CD-ROM.